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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Mummy: 妹, 拿盐给我.

Me: orhh!!
(Then I walked towards the cupboard where mummy stored sugar)

Mummy: 你去哪里??

Me: Ehh!! HAHA!! 走错边lahh!!

FYI: Salt and sugar is stored at different cupboard.

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/29/2011 10:33:00 PM
I was eating char siew and the sauce dripped on my feet. I tried to wipe it off using the cloth but my feet still have the stickiness feel. So I decided to wash my feet. I went to the basin and lift up my leg, put it into the basin.

The conversation between mummy and me goes like this.

Mummy: ehh!! 你干嘛把你的脚拿上来??

Me: 我要洗我的脚啊!

Mummy: 啊你很奇怪lehh!! Toilet不是有pipe给你洗脚??

Me: HAHAHA!! 对hor!!

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/29/2011 10:25:00 PM
My sister is trying very hard to open the sealed packaging of her newly bought toner and failed. So she asked me to pass her a pair of scissors. Me being too lazy to move, I simply took the packaging and put it into my mouth and tried to bite off the packaging.

The conversation between my sister and me starts.

Sis: 为什么你用牙齿咬? 很脏 leh, 不知道有多少人摸过,小强也有可能爬过。

妹: Eeee.... 为什么你不早说?

Me: 有脑的人都会想到 lor... 要不然干嘛叫你去拿剪刀?

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/29/2011 10:21:00 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Should I cry??

It hurts when I saw the photos of your gf that you posted in fb.

Are you doing it on purpose??

You deliberately posted it so that I can see and stop disturbing you??

You are so cruel!

Is this what you really wanted??


I will do what you want.

To think that we'll be able to become an item, FOOLISH ME!!

I should have listen to my friends to give up on you earlier, stupidity me to think that I still have the chance.


Since you have got back with ur gf, there's no point for me to keep contacting you...

All the best to you...


It's really time for me to forget you...

It's going to take some time for me to do that...

It doesn't matter anyway...

Because I know that...

I deserve a better one


It's worth waiting for the next one : )

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 6/16/2010 02:32:00 PM
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
If I say I like you, would you take me as a fool??

How can you make me fall for you and ignore me??

How can you have made my mind full of you??

How can you have treated me this way??

How can you push me to the other guy??

Do you know how much you've hurt me??

I don't want to say this but...

Just tell me if you don't like me.


Can you don't ignore me and say that you like me too??

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 6/15/2010 01:57:00 PM
Friday, June 11, 2010









# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 6/11/2010 11:14:00 PM
Monday, June 07, 2010
You have stopped saying "I miss you" to mii...

I really miss you saying that...

And now, I really wanted to say...



I know...

It's already too late for saying that now...


I really regretted for not saying it earlier...

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 6/07/2010 09:16:00 PM
what a day for mii....

I forgotten to bring PIC book today and SHE ACTUALLY DROVE MII OUT OF HER CLASS JUST BECAUSE OF THAT!?!?!?!? It's not like I'm being defiant to her, sleep in class or never listen to her class and she just asked mii to leave class, crazy lorhh. FIRST TIME IN MY WHOLE LIFE, THANKS TO HER!! She gave mii 2 choices, leave the class or photostat the notes. Crazy lorhh, of course ii chose to go out, it's not like as if ii don't have the notes. I didn't say anything, took my bag and left the class. This is the first time ii acted like that. Actually I wanted to go home, but I suddenly remember that I still have to go for the stupid napfa test.

Ms felina told us a bad news today, she's going to leave us and go overseas with her husband. It's very sad because the she's the only teacher in Bishan that really cared for us and now that she's leaving, we're all very sad. She announced our recent CRM exam results, I got an "A". Seriously, I'm happy with my own results because I really studied hard for this exam. But knowing that a really nice teacher is leaving really makes mii down. I will miss her a lot, haha...

Napfa test today is super tiring and my body is aching now. Normally my standard for standing broad jump is 160cm to 165cm, but today ii got 172cm. Incline Pull up normally is 0 and now 5. I think its the anger I had today transfered into strength, haha...

Today didn't really check my hp for new messages because I know that you will never sms mii. It's better not to have expect that you will text mii, if not I'm going to be hurt again. But I somehow wanted to see your message just like before...:(

# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 6/07/2010 08:44:00 PM

That Little StarY

Name: Winnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 26 dec

She's cheerful and can be pessimistic at times...
She love to be loved by her family and frens...
She's a road idiot and worst is she didn't know how to read map...
She's waiting for her prince charming to fall from the sky =D...
She love swimming and hope she can find someone to go with her...
She's BLURRR!!! and have stm!!!

Her CravingsY

Hao Jiie Meiis Forever!
Have good relationships with friends
Remain good relationship with family members
Not to disappoint them for the things ii do
Bro will get better
Jiejie will stay happy with bro-in-law-to-be
Daddy & Mummy will stay healthy & happy
Daddy & Mummy will not worry so much for us
My own nintendo DS Lite
ride on a tandem
ride on the carousal
New handphone
Newurbanmale's tank top
Apple ipod touch
a trip to lower peirce reservoir park
Gloomy plushies


Sweettiiee EscapesY

Hui min
Hui rong
How chwen
Jian feng
Jia en
Shi pei
Shi xuan
Shu feng
Shu Ting
Wei zhi
Mr Cheng
Wei yu
Yan ting
Yong ming

Special blogs

Patricia Mok
Sharon Au
Tay Ping Hui
Tang Yu Zhe
Wang Dong Cheng
Wang Zi
Wu Zun
Xiao Gui


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May 2008
June 2008
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November 2008
December 2008
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February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
November 2009
December 2009
June 2010
March 2011


Many ThanksY

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