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[[ sweetened luv ♥ ]]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Why is my sister so selfish?
She's going to Malaysia next month and mummy asked her to bring mii there also but she said that she don't want. Of course, I'm very angry and ii even cried. She's going with her bf, he bf's friend and her friend. That is to say that, I'm not as good as them. ii won't plead, no way am ii doing this. ii rather not go out of Singapore for the rest of my life. She's always like that, treat other people BETTER than her own family. So what if she took leave or off day, all these days are not for us. All her time is for her bf, her bf's friend and her friend. ii don't see why they should meet every single day. ii always long for going out with her, just the two of us, but ii know that, this day will never come.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/25/2009 06:22:00 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Why do ii always have to make decisions???
ii feel like being a kid that ii don't have to make any decisions, no worries, carefree life. Why do ii have so many things to consider now? ii just want my life to be simple, without letting mii to decide any thing, that's all. I'm afraid to hurt myself, hurt people that ii really care. ii really don't want this kind of thing to happen. What I'm going to do now is not going to be right. What am ii going to do now?
I'm feeling helpless....
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/24/2009 01:29:00 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wow! Going to start school soon, felt a wee bit stress about it, hais.
Remembered ii mentioned something about the match-make? Yes, few weeks ago, ii finally plucked up my courage to call godmummy to ask her for korkor's email address. But, he went Brunei for training before the day ii called. What a coincidence! Actually I'm quite sad about it. ii thought to myself, this call will be the first and the last call ii would ever made. But, to my surprise, he contact mii himself when he came back. ii was overjoyed. Erm, although we might know each other for 18 years, but we didn't even chat once. We don't even know each other's name. It's unbelievable right? Most probably we're both very shy. Hmmm, I'm super happy to know him, he's a nice guy!
My cousin gave birth to a baby girl one month ago, and we attended little baby girl's full month party yesterday. Wicked witch is also there. Like ii said before, I'm not going to call her. Yes, she actually made a topic out of it. Trust her to be so childish. She said that ii didn't call her. Why should ii? Her children didn't call my mum also. She said that she hates mii, so, even if ii called her, she will also never reply mii. So, why should ii waste my saliva and get myself awkward in return! ii hate wicked witch!!!
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/16/2009 05:47:00 PM
That Little StarY
Name: Winnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 26 dec
She's cheerful and can be pessimistic at times...
She love to be loved by her family and frens...
She's a road idiot and worst is she didn't know how to read map...
She's waiting for her prince charming to fall from the sky =D...
She love swimming and hope she can find someone to go with her...
She's BLURRR!!! and have stm!!!
Her CravingsY
Hao Jiie Meiis Forever! Have good relationships with friends Remain good relationship with family members Not to disappoint them for the things ii do Bro will get better Jiejie will stay happy with bro-in-law-to-be Daddy & Mummy will stay healthy & happy Daddy & Mummy will not worry so much for us My own nintendo DS Lite ride on a tandem ride on the carousal New handphone Newurbanmale's tank top Apple ipod touch a trip to lower peirce reservoir park Gloomy plushies