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[[ sweetened luv ♥ ]]
Monday, February 02, 2009
Had a great dinner yesterday night. Korkor and xiao yi's whole family came over to my house to have a reunion dinner. We " lao yu sheng " after the dinner. Jiejie bought scallop and fresh tuna fish to add on to the " yu sheng ". It's been long since our house is noisy, but ii like it, haas. After that ciao yi went off because my cousins have to attend school the next day. Korkor went off after them. At 11 plus, we received a long-distance call from new york. Yeshh! Aunt called. She told us that she might be coming back to Singapore for holiday in June or July. She might also be staying at my house. ii was so happy. It was almost 10 years since they're back here. ii really hope they will come back...
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 2/02/2009 08:53:00 PM
That Little StarY
Name: Winnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 26 dec
She's cheerful and can be pessimistic at times...
She love to be loved by her family and frens...
She's a road idiot and worst is she didn't know how to read map...
She's waiting for her prince charming to fall from the sky =D...
She love swimming and hope she can find someone to go with her...
She's BLURRR!!! and have stm!!!
Her CravingsY
Hao Jiie Meiis Forever! Have good relationships with friends Remain good relationship with family members Not to disappoint them for the things ii do Bro will get better Jiejie will stay happy with bro-in-law-to-be Daddy & Mummy will stay healthy & happy Daddy & Mummy will not worry so much for us My own nintendo DS Lite ride on a tandem ride on the carousal New handphone Newurbanmale's tank top Apple ipod touch a trip to lower peirce reservoir park Gloomy plushies