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[[ sweetened luv ♥ ]]
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Woohoo, went out with how chwen, siyao, shufeng, huimin, mingkang, alvin, jian feng, ivan and of course ME! haha. We went to vivo city where it was a boring place and we stayed there whole day BUT with them around, ii will not feel boring, hehe. It's a pity that huirong did not join us. ii really misses her a lot. Jianfeng and ivan went off very early to meet friends?? Don't really understand that we said that day is a class outing or rather gathering but they still went to meet friends. Quite disappointing. Since this has over, ii think ii shouldn't hold it against them as it may seems that i'm very petty, haha.
After their leaving, we went to watch " the orphanage " which wasn't as scary as ii thought. ii promise not to bring anything in to eat when ii watch a movie with mr tan how chwen. During the show, mr tan how chwen held the box of pop corns in his hands. When the scarypart start, he stuffed all the pop corns in to my mouth. told him that ii didn't want to eat but he ignored mii. He even stuffed the pop corn in to my nose..!!.. So ii have got no choice to eat it. ii think ii ate the most pop corns among them. Felt so full after eating all the pop corns. After the movie, we discussed about the movie and they said that the movie shouldn't call " the orphanage " but " lang ga ". Because the scariest part was the only part where the lady got crashed by the ambulance. It's disgusting.
After that, we went to the open space of vivo city to chat until 10pm something then we decided to go home. mingkang and mii dropped off at chinese garden mrt. Actually ii wanted to take a bus home but when mingkang and mii was chatting when passing by the market, my hp rang suddenly. It gave mii a fright and ii screamed. Mingkang decided to walk mii to my blk. He was such a gentleman. haha...Erm, ii reached home at about 11.30. It was tiring but a fun day too!
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/27/2008 11:54:00 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'm back to blogging again, haha. Just saw all my friends blog and found out that some of them changed url without telling mii. But okie la, since ii have not been blogging these few months. My blog now even have " spider web " around. ii have not been seeing my classmates since the release of o level results. Tomorrow we have a " chinese gathering " and ii have applied for my leave earlier. Hope that we will have a nice day out. And ii really misses them. ^^
I'm not feeling very good these few weeks after the scolding of the auntie at my workplace. ii really respect this auntie but the thing ii done is not all my fault and she was angry with mii for almost two weeks. I'm leaving and now she treated mii this way, kind of hurting, hais. I'm going to leave oriental herbal tea, kind of sad. ii will miss this warmth place with the warmth people there. ii miss my " fei fei jie jie ", " ah mah ", huang mei auntie, shun chang kor kor, xi sen niang, ya feng auntie also although she treated mii that way and " sakura ", haha. ii also miss all the bus driver too, hehe. ~Miss all of you.
Went to catch the movie " rule #1 " just now. Erm, it was a confusing show ii have ever saw. The ending was ridiculous, hais. Actually ii have a lot to write but I've forgotten half of it, haha. ii will continue next time. hehe..
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 3/24/2008 01:34:00 PM
That Little StarY
Name: Winnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 26 dec
She's cheerful and can be pessimistic at times...
She love to be loved by her family and frens...
She's a road idiot and worst is she didn't know how to read map...
She's waiting for her prince charming to fall from the sky =D...
She love swimming and hope she can find someone to go with her...
She's BLURRR!!! and have stm!!!
Her CravingsY
Hao Jiie Meiis Forever! Have good relationships with friends Remain good relationship with family members Not to disappoint them for the things ii do Bro will get better Jiejie will stay happy with bro-in-law-to-be Daddy & Mummy will stay healthy & happy Daddy & Mummy will not worry so much for us My own nintendo DS Lite ride on a tandem ride on the carousal New handphone Newurbanmale's tank top Apple ipod touch a trip to lower peirce reservoir park Gloomy plushies