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[[ sweetened luv ♥ ]]
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Yesterday night at about 11.30pm ii suddenly asked my parents if they wanted to eat roti prata beacuse we were in hunger and we decided to have our supper, haha. We quickly get changed and headed off. When we were going along the path, my dad saw cockroach crawling on the floor and he told mii about that. OMG! i'm really scared of cockroach and ii screamed and ran away, haha. But this isn't the worst part, the worst part is ii saw THREE COCKROACHES on the same path, omg!!, this is really frightening. Not because our environment here is not good, because it's going to rain, that's why all the insects came out scaring people like mii, haha, jus joking. After that my parents kept making fun of mii, my mum even act out the action when ii was avoiding the cockroaches, so funny. My dad even said that " wow, pig also know how to jump ah! " Although it seems bad but we know that he was joking and it was really very funny. My dad is so humouring, haha. When we reached the roti prata shop, we then realised that it was closed, hais, unlucky, no roti prata to eat. Then we went back home after that.
Today went bugis with my jie meis to buy shorts. We searched up and down for the shorts we wanted and ii was the first one to buy, haha. ii thought that because ii was very particular on clothing but they were even more particular, hais. ii bought the jeans at $18 but ii can only managed to reduce the price by $1, haha. ii wasn't that good in bargaining price with the shop keepers, haha. When we finished buying all the things we wanted we went back to JE to take neoprints at the entertainment centre. We were happily taking and happily walked off the shop without taking my jeans that was in a plastic bag. After that my mum called mii and asked mii to buy goreng pisang home and when ii was going to pay, ii lift up my bag and ii didn't saw the plastic bag, omg! ii then turned back to brenda and shiyun to ask if they got took it but they said they didn't take. My heart was really pumping hard and fast. ii quickly ran back to the shop and while running, my skirt is like going to drop off because it was quite loose, haha. After that ii found the plastic bag lying on the table, luckily nobody took it, phew! It was so relaxing finding back the things but also scary, haha. After that we all went home, hehe.
When ii reached home ii told my mum that ii nearly cannot bring back the jeans and told her the whole incident. She said ii was too muddle-head, haha. When my sis came home, she asked me whether ii go bugis to buy jeans is it and asked mii to let her take a look at it. ii asked her to guess how much the jeans cost and she guessed ii bought it at $25, haha. ii think ii really bought a cheap jeans, hehe. After that she even asked mii to help her buy size 32 because my size 30 is too tight for her. Hais, ii need to go bugis again to help her buy, omg!! Who is willing to go bugis with mii again on saturday?
Below are the pictures that we took, enjoy...
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/31/2007 11:38:00 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Yeah! It's holiday le, so happy, haha. But still need to go school almost everyday, so tired. Today went singapore poly to attend the talks. I'm quite interested in business, interior design and psychology & community services. Need to work harder in order to get into one of these courses. After the talk we went to the talk on business on retail ( ii forgot le, hehe ), saw this shop that sell clothes and accessories. Wow, they looked so nice and have a thought of buying them but didn't because ii bought quite a number of clothing this year. Cannot be so splurging and ii have to save money to buy a new handphone, haha. Talking back about the psychology & community services, ii think that it was quite a interesting course and ii was quite interested in but now having problems with friends. Now ii cannot even get over the problems ii have, how can ii convince others to let mii council them? How to let them believe in mii? Hais..
Last saturday went market with my mum and saw this shop that sell shirts. Eh, don't think that market only sell aunties clothings oh, they also have our generations style, hehe. Then ii saw one shirt that caught my eye and the salesgirl there asked mii to go for a try on the clothes and my mum said to her that ii don't need to try one. ii really loved the shirt a lot and went in to pay for the clothes. When finished, the auntie there said that she really envious that ii have a long leg and suddenly touched my leg, OMG!! ii was so shocked and went out the shop, so scary. But luckily is a auntie.
Tomorrow is vesak day and will be meeting brenda and shiyun to bugis to buy shorts. Erm, ii know ii said that ii want to save money earlier but...hehe. Before that ii need to have breakfast with my parents.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/30/2007 07:20:00 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Yesterday had a talk by mr nelson tan, a traffic police about road safety. Normally when we have such talks, it will be very boring and ii will fell asleep but yesterday's talk was different. It was really interesting although there is some pictures on those who died in the accidently badly. ii still remembered the few pictures on a secondary girl that met with an accident. When ii saw it, ii feel like vomiting, omg! After all, it's an interesting talk, haha. Todae also have a talk on water and lightning safety if i'm not wrong. By the way, the talk was also not boring as i'm interested in this topics related to swimming. While listening, ii turned to shiyun and told her our probability of drowning and getting struck by the lightning is quite high and she laughed. ( math topic on probability, haha ) Then mr yeo said that if we don't know how to swim very well, it's better for us not to go to the deep pool. And at the back huimin called mii and said that ii wanted to injure her because she used to go swimming with mii and ii was so shocked. As we did not go to the deepest pool, 1.8m, but only the shallowest pool and that was between 1.2m to 1.4m. Last time when she went swimming with mii, she did not say about all these things but after the arguments, she then say out everything. ii think she forgot that ii taught her swimming and all that and she still can say these things to hurt mii, really disappointed. Not saying these unhappy things, back to the happy things, hehe.
Yeah, finally can use my internet le. Really must thanks shiyun, she helped mii connect back my internet connection. Today after school went to have " roti prata " again and after that shiyun and brenda went my house to watch horror movie, hehe. Not scary but ii still got a bit scared scared, so timid, haas. After watching, they went to my room and shiyun this " itchy " hand touch everything in my room, hais. Later need to go tidy up. If ii were my sis, she will get scolded but she was lucky that ii was winnie, not petty, haha.
Today, the chinese enrichment was the last day and monday is the chinese o level, omg! I'm not prepared to sit for the paper. It seems like everything was just coming very fast, hais. Got back my papers recently and omg, the results was very poor. ii have got to buck up if not ii really scared ii cannot pass my o levels and make my parents and sis sad. ii don't wish to see them disappointed, hais. Tomorrow is the parents meeting day, so scared and trembling now.
Got to stop here, going out with parents, haha.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/24/2007 07:14:00 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007
These few days attended chinese enrichment class in school. It was taught by liang wen fu and his wife. He was a song writer last time and now ii think he was in full time teaching chinese. ii think that he and his wife was really a good teacher as they expained everything in detailed but too naggy, haha. They can interpret one point for 10 mins but ii think it was quite good because we can understand better and get the picture clearer. As our enrichment class was a combined class of sec 4 express and sec 5 normal, many people was excited to seat together with one another and they started chatting during the lesson. It's alright to talk but they talked too loud and affected other people that was trying very hard listening to the lesson going on. Some of them even treat our auditorium as a picnic site, they brought in food and drinks to have it during lesson time. ii think that they respect the teachers standing infront and not doing things that made them sad, hais.
As for myself, everything was just as per normal. Few days ago saw huimin and huirong carried the same bag and ii can see that they were in good terms. Somebody asked mii why ii always walked alone and not with the two girls, and ii didn't tell him the answer. Actually ii think ii was the third party between them and ii didn't want any arguments to happen. In my mid year art exam, ii chose a topic on blocked. It was actually a problem between we both. And ii wrote artist statement about what happened in this relationship. Today when getting back the papers ( drawing blocks ), below my artist statement, ii saw a few sentences that was wrote in red ink and ii read it. It was written/commented by my art teacher. She said : " It's not necessary to hold on to this frindship. Be more independent. Open yourself up and make friends who can be from different classes too. Just move on. We can't change the thoughts of others but we can choose the best action for ourselves. " ii think it was very encouraging but it's easy said than doing the real actions. But ii will try to get over it.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/21/2007 07:43:00 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Actually wanted to go gym with brenda and shiyun but ii didn't bring towel and money so went back home to take all the required things. But when reaching, ii then realise that ii did not bring my keys and worst of the worst, my mum is not at home, hais. Knocked on the door for a moment and gave out, haas. After that went downstairs to a uncle's " ma ma shop " to lend phone from him to call my mum. ii told her that ii never bring my keys and cannot go back home to take my stuff. Then she said she need to go market to buy fruits and won't be back so soon. After hanging up the phone, ii told brenda and shiyun about it and we decided to go for " roti prata " again, opps. Actually wanted to let out our fats but now going to add on to our fats, omg!!.
We were in the coffee shop for ii think 3 hours, haha. Of course not eat for the whole 3 hours la, like that will go more fat, hehe. We were enjoying our meal and of course chit-chatting ( gossiping ), haha. When we were having half way, we saw the 5N1 girls that was also very gossiping ones and we stopped our conversations and quickly changed our topic, hehe. When they were there, we have very limited topics to say about, hais. But when they left, we continued our story's, haha. After that got one guy with cigarettes in between his fingers went in to the shop, as we don't like to smell it, we went off to another place to have our talks. When we were together, we were like have unlimited topics to talk about, haas. At about another hour, we all went back home, hehe, long hor?
Felt so relieved when ii can say out all those things that were kept inside my heart for so long. But still, not feeling very good inside, sobsob.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/16/2007 06:26:00 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Today straight went home after physics. When at home ii suddenly feel very moody and asked shiyun and brenda to accompany mii to go have a walk outside. Don't know why this year always like that, hais. Feel like suffocating. ii was like going to become " emo " but ii will not cut my wrist. ii think that cuting wrist will not solve anything, so don't worry, ii will not hurt myself. May be this year happened a lot of things on mii. Family matters, friends matters and o level is round the corner. ii was under a lot of strain on these. May be after this year ii will turn back to the winnie that all of you know.
Went IMM with the both of them, felt very happy. Brenda was angry today as shiyun and mii didn't wait for her at the bus stop. We both thought that we are supposed to meet inside but really sorry brenda. When i'm with them, all my unhappy things was like suddenly disappeared. But when ii was alone, all the thoughts and feelings came back. They both are a really good jiemei to me. When ii have troubles, they are willing to lend mii their ears, willing to go out with mii, willing to chat with mii. Sometimes saw them, really feel like crying, throwing everything out but held it all down. Listened to william send de song's oso feel like crying, omg!! What had happened to mii, became so emotional, sobsob.
Now my blog has really became my " princess little diary ", hais.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/10/2007 09:25:00 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Went tcc study at funan yesterday with brenda, eddy, shiyun and yongming. Two couples going, hais, felt so lonely ah, sobsob. Luckily ii have my mp3 with mii if not ii will be feeling more lonely and awkward. ii was like very very bright de light bulb, goose-berry, omg, haha. At the tcc, ii ordered ice chocolate, so nice, my favourite, haas. At about 6.40pm ii went back home and when reaches home, ii quickily put down my bag and go temple with my mum. From morning until 10.40pm then ii have my dinner and supper, hais. So tired that ii fell asleep on the bus when going home.
The day before yesterday night, my sis bought a pink nintendo DS ( she so rich ). She also bought a game called cooking ma ma. A nice and cute game, but ii don't think guys will like it as it was all about cooking, haas. After that, my sis carried on to the topic of " ghosts ". The topic that ii most feared of, hais. She said about the " things " she saw on the downstairs of my house, hais. Then ii suddenly felt so cold and goose-pimples appeared on my my skin. After listening to it, ii don't dare to go to sleep, hehe. ii also thought of one incident ii met at night with parents. ii saw a old lady at the house of her window and waving slowly at mii, omg, faint ah, haas.
Yesterday night when sleeping soundly, my hp rang, hais. Don't know who kept on harassing mii, hais. Now felt so sleepy. When ii accidenltally answer the call, that person on the other line hung up. Don't know what they are thinking ah, hais. Really can't take it le. jiu ming ah, sobsob.
Wow, today is 5N2 day oh! ( 2 of may ). haas.
My cup of ice chocolate, haas.
# if i say i love euu, would euu take me as a fool? – @ 5/02/2007 02:51:00 PM
That Little StarY
Name: Winnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 26 dec
She's cheerful and can be pessimistic at times...
She love to be loved by her family and frens...
She's a road idiot and worst is she didn't know how to read map...
She's waiting for her prince charming to fall from the sky =D...
She love swimming and hope she can find someone to go with her...
She's BLURRR!!! and have stm!!!
Her CravingsY
Hao Jiie Meiis Forever! Have good relationships with friends Remain good relationship with family members Not to disappoint them for the things ii do Bro will get better Jiejie will stay happy with bro-in-law-to-be Daddy & Mummy will stay healthy & happy Daddy & Mummy will not worry so much for us My own nintendo DS Lite ride on a tandem ride on the carousal New handphone Newurbanmale's tank top Apple ipod touch a trip to lower peirce reservoir park Gloomy plushies